Andrew Forrest

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Fear is Always a Lie [#EatThisBook--Exodus 4]

We're always afraid that what we have or what we are isn't enough. But that fear is always a lie because the Lord always gives exactly enough.Moses is afraid he won't be persuasive enough; Moses is afraid he won't be eloquent enough; Moses is afraid that one man won't be enough.But note that the Lord provides for Moses's need?out of what he has already given Moses.Moses is afraid he won't be persuasive enough, but the Lord uses the shepherd's staff Moses already has to persuade the people (4:1-5).Moses is afraid he won't be eloquent enough, but the Lord uses the mouth and mind Moses already has to speak to the people (4:10-12).Moses is afraid that one man won't be enough, but the Lord uses the brother Moses already has to be his spokesperson and partner (4:14-17, 27-31).We're afraid that what we have or what we are isn't enough. But the Lord has given us exactly what we need to accomplish exactly what he needs for us to accomplish.Where are you feeling like you don't have enough? Fear is a liar. P.S. Don't ask me about 4:24-26; I have no idea....