Andrew Forrest

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My One Word for 2016

Resolutions don't work. Rather than focusing on a list of specific ways we want to live differently each year, I've written the last two years?about a better alternative: focusing and living into a one word theme for the new year.

My One Word for 2016

If it ain't broke.... For 2016 I'm keeping the same word I've had the previous two years.My one word for 2016 is?early.I want to:

  • wake up early
  • pray early
  • workout early
  • finish tasks early
  • get to appointments early
  • finish my sermon early
  • get to bed early

What about you? What's your one word for 2016? Why? 

P.S. Have You Subscribed?

Yes, Dear Reader, I know I've been absent from the Internets for the past 2 months, but it's a new year, and I'm going to be posting to my site 3 times a week in 2016. Click?here‘to subscribe and get my posts delivered straight to your inbox.