Andrew Forrest

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6 Reasons Why We Are Starting a Sunday 5 PM Service

Our church is launching at 5 PM service on Sundays, starting this week. Here's why we are doing this, in increasing levels of importance: 

We Can't Grow Any More on Sunday Morning

It's not the case that literally every single seat is taken at every service on every Sunday, but it?is the case that our church is full on Sunday mornings. If we want to reach new people, we're going to have to do something new. And NOT reaching new people is NOT an option. Because: 

Like a Shark: If We Stay Still, We Will Die

Sharks have to keep moving in the water--they can't just stay still. Churches (and all other organizations) are the same: either you are growing,?or you are dying. There is no staying put. Businesses and churches fail when‘they decide to‘stay put and preserve the status quo. Why? Because decline is inevitable: people move, people die, etc. Do you know how many churches were FULL in 1960 and are empty today? I don't know either, but it's a lot. People like things to stay as they are, but if things stay as they are, things will inevitably change. Either you are growing, or you are dying: there is no staying put. 

It Is Not Possible to Be Good and NOT Grow

If what God is doing through our church is helpful and healing to folks, then new people will want to be a part of it. You can't have a great, non-busy restaurant: if your restaurant is good, business will grow. Healthy things grow. It is antithetical to the gospel to say, "Our church is great, but new people aren't welcome." 

There are THOUSANDS More People to Reach

Every single church in Dallas could be crammed full of people on Sunday mornings, and there would still be thousands upon thousands of people in our city without a church home. Jesus was very clear: the mission of the church is to go everywhere, seek everybody, and teach them everything that Jesus taught. It is a literal command from God. 

New Things Reach New People

If you want to reach new people, you have to do new things. We think Sundays at 5 PM is the right time to reach new folks in our neighborhood. Sunday evenings work for people who don't want to get up early on Sunday mornings, or have Sunday morning sports commitments; and unlike Saturday evenings, Sunday evenings also allows the college-football-tailgating/we-have-an-out-of-town-wedding/let's-drive-down-to-the-Hill-Country-to-see-the-bluebonnets crowd make it to church on the weekend. 

Being in Church Every Sunday Will Totally Change Your Life

I feel so strongly about the importance of being in church every Sunday that I want to make it as easy as possible for folks to join us at Munger. Sunday mornings work for you? Great. You are welcome at our church on Sunday mornings. But:Your kid plays soccer? Come in the evening. You will be out of town? See you Sunday at 5 PM. Getting up early on Sunday just isn't going to happen? Buddy, do we have a deal for you.Can't wait.  

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