Andrew Forrest

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For This Child I Prayed

I prayed for my little daughter for more years‘than I've prayed for anything else in my life. What I'm reflecting on‘tonight is that not only is she an answer to my prayers, but also an answer to the prayers of so many other people. And I'm grateful.

"For This Child I Prayed"

My wife and I have been married for 10 years, and if it had been up to us we'd have had a whole baseball team of kids by now. But, that wasn't God's plan for us. Rather, God's plan for us involved a great crowd of people, praying and interceding for us for years.The picture above was taken on the day of my daughter's baptism, last Sunday. My dad baptized her; our?family, our‘staff, and our small group stood up with us. I love the image of all of them praying for us, because I know that's what they've been doing, and I love it that you can't even see our little girl: she's literally covered in prayer.Just tonight, we received a note from someone in our church who said she'd been praying for us for years--I've frequently heard that these past 8 weeks, and it makes me so happy. In the Scriptures, Hannah prays for years for a child, and when he comes, she triumphantly tells old Eli, the priest: "for this child I prayed."My wife and I could say the same, but we'd have to also add, "And so did countless other people."  

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